


Hosted by: Nanjing University of the Arts


Date: Jun. 21st, 2023


Location: Lecture Hall of Art Museum in NUA


Language:Chinese, English


国际艺术与设计院校联盟(Cumulus)是艺术、设计与媒体领域全球最大、最有影响力的高等院校国际协会组织。今年,联盟推出“地区性研讨会”(Regional Seminar)的交流计划,旨在加强各个区域内会员之间以及区域与全球会员之间的交流,促进区域内会员共性经验的分享与问题的探讨。作为今年联盟系列区域研讨会活动之一,中国将作为一个独立的区域来组织研讨会活动。2023年Cumulus中国区研讨会由联盟会员南京艺术学院主办,以“新时代的国际化”为主题,旨在为国内联盟会员与同行提供一个交流平台,共同探讨新时代浪潮下设计教育国际化的趋势、问题和合作机制。研讨会以嘉宾分享和圆桌讨论的形式展开,从设计学科的国际化发展战略、国际化合作办学、国际关系与师生交换、中国设计文化的国际影响力等议题上广泛交流、深入讨论。会议将通过线上平台,同时向全球联盟成员和同行开放直播。


The Cumulus Association is the world's largest leading international association of higher education institutions in the fields of art, design, and media. This year, the association launched a new program - “Cumulus Regional Seminar (CRS)”, aiming at strengthening exchanges among members in specific regions and between regional and global members, and promoting the sharing and exploration of common regional experiences and issues. As one of the regional seminars of this year's alliance series, the regional seminar in China is planned as an independent part. The 2023 CRS China will be hosted by Nanjing University of the Arts, a member of the association, with the theme of  Internationalization in A New Era . It aims to explore the trends, problems, and cooperation mechanisms of the internationalization of design education under the new era wave amongmembers and partners. The seminar includes speeches and round-table discussions, covering topics such as the internationalization development strategy of the design discipline,the international cooperation in education, international relations and teacher-student exchanges, and the international contribution of Chinese design culture. At the same time, the seminar will provide open live-streaming for online attendance globally.


洛伦佐·因贝西(Lorenzo Imbesi)_ Cumulus联盟主席、罗马大学教授

张凌浩_ 南京艺术学院院长、教授、博导

娄永琪_ 同济大学副校长、教授、博导

马赛_ 清华大学美术学院院长、教授、博导

宋协伟_ 中央美术学院设计学院院长、教授、博导

巩淼森_ Cumulus联盟执委、江南大学设计学院副教授

Guest Speaker

Lorenzo Imbesi_President of Cumulus, Sapienza University of Rome

Linghao Zhang_President of Nanjing University of the Arts

Yongqi Lou_Vice president of Tongji University

Sai Ma_Dean of Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University

Xiewei Song_Dean of School of Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts

Miaosen Gong_CEB member, Cumulus; Jiangnan University





9:05-9:20 致辞 

洛伦佐·因贝西(Lorenzo Imbesi),Cumulus联盟主席、罗马大学教授

9:25-9:45 演讲


9:45-10:05 演讲


10:05-10:25 演讲


10:30-10:45 合影

10:45-11:15 圆桌1_ 设计学科的国际化发展战略    


11:15-11:45 圆桌2_ 国际化合作办学(联合培养,全英文专业等)




14:30-14:50 演讲_巩淼森,Cumulus联盟执委、江南大学设计学院副教授

14:50-15:20 圆桌3_ 国际关系与师生交换(X-Files工作组)


15:20-15:50 圆桌4_ 中国设计文化全球化输出


15:50-16:10 演讲_宋协伟,中央美术学院设计学院院长、教授、博导

16:10-16:20 闭幕致辞



9:00 Seminar begins

9:05-9:20 Welcoming Speech 

Lorenzo Imbesi, President of Cumulus, Sapienza University of Rome

9:25-9:45 Speech

Linghao Zhang, President of Nanjing University of the Arts

9:45-10:05 Speech

Yongqi Lou, Vice president of Tongji University

10:05-10:25 Speech

Sai Ma, Dean of Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University

10:30-10:45 Group Photo

10:45-11:15 Roundtable Discussion 1

The Internationalization Development Strategy of the Design School

Hosted by: Yi Xiong, Deputy Dean of School of Design, NUA

11:15-11:45 Roundtable Discussion 2

International Cooperated Education (joint training, all English majors,etc.)

Hosted by: Jiajia Chen, Deputy Dean of School of Industrial Design, NUA

14:30-14:50 Speech

Miaosen Gong, CEB member, Cumulus; Jiangnan University

14:50-15:20 Roundtable Discussion 3

International Relations and Teacher/Student Exchange (X-FilesWorking Group)

Hosted by: Quanquan Zhao, Associate Professor of School of Design, NUA

15:20-15:50 Roundtable Discussion 4

Global Output of Chinese Design Culture

Hosted by: Yang Zhang, Deputy Dean of School of Industrial Design(Intern), NUA

15:50-16:10 Speech

Xiewei Song, Dean of School of Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts

16:10-16:20 Closing Speech  

Linghao Zhang, President of Nanjing University of the Arts


The seminar will be broadcast live through the official WeChat account of Nanjing University of the Arts




Contact: Feng Jiang

MB: +0086-18921413916

Email: 1022455@qq.com

参会回执(点击下载) Application for the Seminar(click to download)


国际艺术与设计院校联盟(Cumulus Association)成立于1990年,旨在构建一个富有活力的生态系统,以促进设计院校在教学、研究和实践方面的国际交流与交换。如今,联盟汇集了来自全球69个国家的370余所知名的艺术与设计类院校成员。Cumulus联盟得到联合国教科文组织背书,是国际艺术与设计教育和研究领域具有领导地位的国际学术组织。自Cumulus联盟在2006年转变为国际组织以来,已经成为国内设计院校参与最活跃的国际交流平台之一,有效促进了国内外设计教育上的知识和实践分享。


About Cumulus

The Global Association of Art & Design Education and Research (Cumulus), founded in 1990, aims to build a dynamic ecosystem for global mobility, knowledge exchange, and research,endorsed by UNESCO. Since Cumulus transferred to be an international association in 2006, Chinese design education institutions actively participated in its events and many of them have become full members of the institution.Cumulus has been an important platform for exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and international institutions of higher education in art and design education and research.

Official Website:https://cumulusassociation.org/
